Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Compost time!

Gardeners, please feel free to put your home compost materials like kitchen scraps and small amounts of leaves (NO dairy, meat or woody materials) into our new black compost bin. Once we have filled it we will let you all know. At that point we'll simply allow it to "compost" for about 3 months and then we'll start the process over again. Happy composting!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Weeds, Garlic Scapes & Strawberries tonight!

This evening is our Tuesday work session. Alison will be the leader! We have the following work to do:

1.) There are lots and lots of  new WEEDS to be PULLED(before they turn into giant weeds with deep roots!). Look through the pictures posted on May 30th to ID the weeds.  From now on we can LEAVE weeds in the pathways to keep nutrients in the soil.

2.) Tonight we will also be harvesting the GARLIC SCAPES- these are the curly flower type stalks coming out of the top of the garlic plants.  These stalks should be trimmed as far down as possible without trimming any leaves.

3.) Harvest all of the RED-RIPE STRAWBERRIES! We need to thoroughly harvest these every Tuesday and Saturday to keep the plants producing.