Wednesday, July 31, 2013

First Community Garden Potluck of the Season: Next Tuesday!

Join us for our first potluck at the garden on Tuesday, August 6 after the work session! Feel free to join us even if you cannot make the work session from 5:00-7:00.

harvest on July 30

Invite your families and friends including anyone who might be interested in the community garden! Bring a dish to share, a chair, and your own plate/utensils.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Week of 7/30

Happy Tuesday! That means it's garden night! Join us this evening from 5:00-7:00PM!

There are still a lot of weeds! Weed in the rows, between the rows, under plants (especially the squash, it's getting to be quite the jungle over there; pull out any beans under the squash. These are volunteers from last year and and are contributing to the jungle), even pull weeds in the driveway and around the edge of the garden.

Check for squash bugs!

Also check for aphids on the kale

Harvest anything that MUST be harvested, i.e. green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, tomatillos (things that will get too big if we leave them)

From the things that will be fine as long as we let them grow (i.e. chard, kale), harvest for your own personal use

As a reminder, there has been a group meeting on Saturday mornings at the garden as an alternate work session. Feel free to join them or to work on your own time!


Crookneck squash and cucumbers

Different varieties of basil

Tomatoes and Eggplant harvested last week

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tuesday session: new activities!

Happy Tuesday! It's garden session tonight! To do: weed (pull put grass in the back beds by hand and shake off as much of the good soil as possible so we don't throw it away!), hoe up mounds of dirt around the potatoes in the front bed (leave about 6 inches of plant above the soil), stake and sucker tomatoes, and harvest! For harvest pick all the beans; look for 6" plus eggplants, 6" yellow crook necks and plump cucumbers; pick any basil tops that are flowering; and harvest your own personal handfuls of greens. Please make sure all tools make it back into the shed at the end of the night and last person to leave locks it! And once again, please do NOT adjust any watering! And have fun!