Wednesday, September 22, 2010

weekly work session + upcoming Okt. Potluck

MEET US THURS. at 5:30pm for our weekly work session: 
We will be lopping off excess parts of tomato plants tomorrow to help allow for the green tomatoes on the plants to ripen up in the last few weeks before the average first frost date. We need to harvest our full arugula and chard crops in order to prepare that bed for garlic which we will plant this fall in order to harvest it next summer. We will also be doing some work on the compost and tending to the weeds surrounding the garden.

Please send us an email to let us know if you harvested any of the onions, just for us to be able to have a better idea of what goes on at the garden when we are not around. The onions were actually not ready to be harvested yet as they were meant to grow into a slightly larger globe. They needed more time in the ground until they got there. But we would very much appreciate hearing from you to know whether it was a gardener who got to take them home or a passer by who may have thieved them.
Save the date for our GJ Main Street Community Garden 
POTLUCK which we will hold after our work session at 6:30pm on Oct. 7th. Please bring a dish to share and encourage your friends and neighbors to attend w/ dish in hand if they would like to learn more about how the garden works. We would love for all of our members to join in on this fun community event celebrating the bounty after this season's collective hard work.  

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