Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Do NOT water the garden until further notice

We will be trying a new approach to watering the garden over the next two weeks, so if you are scheduled to water during the next two weeks (Karen G, Ilana, and Harriet - are on the schedule) please DO NOT WATER the garden! We'll let you know as soon as we are back to the regular schedule and/or if we have to make any changes.

Thank you!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Work Session Tonight, May 29 from 5-7pm

We will be focusing on weeding, reseeding greens, repairing leaks in the drip tape, and securing the black plastic rows after the crazy windstorm over the weekend.

Also, if anyone has basil starts to donate to the garden, please bring them! The basil that we already planted did not get enough water and all dried up.

If you have not paid your membership ($35) please do so ASAP!

Thanks and see you tonight at the garden!

Perennial herb bed and strawberries update

Hi all
Just a few updates, the perennial herb bed has been planted and labeled on Sunday (5/27), I took advantage of the cool weather. There are still a few more plants to go in there, but we are on our way! Also, I planted half of the strawberries. While I was at the garden on Sunday, I had to secure some of the black plastic. It had blown over and covered some of the eggplants and tomatoes, so the battle continues. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Garden work session tonight 5-7! We have lots of work to do. The tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, and peppers are looking great from the planting day. But, the garden is in need of some SERIOUS weeding. We'll also take out bolting lettuce and arugula and re-seed with chard, beans, lettuce, more arugula. The radish and greens might need thinning. We also have some extra flower seeds (zinnias, cosmos, sunflowers) that can be direct seeded in the front of the garden. It will be a busy evening! Don't forget to sign in on the sheet on the side of the shed. See you all soon.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Spare Tomato Starts?

Since our great transplant evening last week we've lost about 18 tomatoes.  It's normal to lose a few to transplant shock, but unfortunately the little plants that couldn't reach above the plastic cover were beaten up by the plastic on some of the windy days.  If you have any spare tomato starts please bring them to the garden session tomorrow evening and we'll get them in the ground!  After planting (with roots fully under the soil and plants thoroughly watered with a gentle watering can), place a few rocks on the plastic to keep it from moving too much.  (If you have spare peppers we'd plant a few of those too!)

With the upcoming heat plants should start taking off!

Thanks and see you Tuesday!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Tuesday is Planting Day!!!

Tomorrow, Tuesday, May 8 is PLANTING DAY at the garden!!


We'll be transplanting the rest of our starts including

a variety of tomatoes
cherry tomatoes
anaheim, poblano, sweet and jalapeno peppers

We also need to keep on top of the weeding, finish laying drip tape, and thin some of what we planted two weeks ago.

See you out there!

These starts have been growing in the greenhouse at Cameron Place for the past month and a half. It's finally time to put them in the garden!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Updated planting plan for 2012!  Enjoy : )

Work Session Tonight!

We'll be laying more drip tape and plastic, weeding, hand tilling some rows, and preparing for planting next week.  See you there!