Monday, August 22, 2011

Garden Potluck!

This Tuesday, August 23rd we will have our regularly scheduled  work session starting at 5pm which will be followed by our Annual Garden Potluck at 6:30!  The potluck is a great way to meet fellow gardeners, hang out with friends and eat delicious food together.  Please bring a dish to share, along with your own dishes/utensils.  Beverages will be provided! 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Watching out for the Garden!

Hello Dear Hardworking Gardeners!

Before I delve into our weekly work session, I want to thank Phil and Trish for being diligent  and watching out for the garden.  Trish confronted the guys taking off with our cabbages (mystery solved!) and produce after a second week in a row.  Although we want to maintain an open fence policy and encourage all of you to work/harvest during the week if the Tuesday session does not work for you, we also want to make sure that all of our dedicated gardeners benefit from the efforts they have put in. 

If you encounter people you have ever met before in the garden feel free to introduce yourself and ask how they are involved.  If they are not involved, please tell them about the garden, and feel free to give them info on how to get involved (I will be putting some brochures on the garden board on the side of the shed), but make it clear that produce is only for garden members!   You will either meet a new garden member you haven't met before or you will help us weed out people that may just be mooching off our hard work.

I also want to remind everyone that the garden should be a supplement to your weekly vegetables.  With 35 members and Grow Another Row, we want to make sure everyone gets a piece of the pie so please take/harvest with that in mind...there is PLENTY to go around!!  And will only have more as the season progresses!

On to this week's session: We have our weekly garden session tonight from 5-7pm.  We will be addressing weeds (the ever constant battle, we had a GREAT session last week, let's repeat that!), removing dead zucchini plants (in to the garbage since they are infested with squash bugs), and harvesting:  onions!, green beans, ripe tomatoes, tomatillos, okra, eggplant, cukes, chard, kale, basil...etc!

See you tonight!!
