In order to save some of our gardening mojo for PLANTING DAY (Sat., May 7th at 10am), the next 2 Tuesday work sessions are optional. But rest assured, there is plenty of work to be done!
For tomorrow's work session, please bring old sheets and blankets so that we can cover up any delicate transplants and sprouts from the frost that is slated for tomorrow night. Feel free to say a little prayer for all of our valley's beloved peach farmers who won't be getting much sleep that night!
April showers bring May flowers AND enormous weeds as soon as the sun comes out! We will be doing some serious weed PULLING and weed-wacking tomorrow evening (please bring a canister of gasoline for the weed wacker if you have it handy.) We will also be working on weeding the landscaped easement between the sidewalk and Main Street. The rain this weekend has really loosened up the soil, weeds are easily pulled right now.
Tues, May 3rd we will be focused on weeding the pathways and the beds to get ready for planting day a few days later.
Memberships are now capped. Wahoo! What a fantastic turn-out for registrations/burgeoning participation! We thank you for all of your enthusiasm and dedication that you have already shown this season. We are looking forward to gardening together this year!
For tomorrow's work session, please bring old sheets and blankets so that we can cover up any delicate transplants and sprouts from the frost that is slated for tomorrow night. Feel free to say a little prayer for all of our valley's beloved peach farmers who won't be getting much sleep that night!
April showers bring May flowers AND enormous weeds as soon as the sun comes out! We will be doing some serious weed PULLING and weed-wacking tomorrow evening (please bring a canister of gasoline for the weed wacker if you have it handy.) We will also be working on weeding the landscaped easement between the sidewalk and Main Street. The rain this weekend has really loosened up the soil, weeds are easily pulled right now.
Tues, May 3rd we will be focused on weeding the pathways and the beds to get ready for planting day a few days later.
Memberships are now capped. Wahoo! What a fantastic turn-out for registrations/burgeoning participation! We thank you for all of your enthusiasm and dedication that you have already shown this season. We are looking forward to gardening together this year!