Wednesday, December 1, 2010

some winter good news!

as we all getting ready to tuck in for the winter and eat our canned, frozen, dried fruits and veggies from the summer, we can't forget the garden!  this is a great time to plan for the spring, research seeds and plants we might want to grow and figure out what worked and what didn't.  we can discuss this more in the coming months for sure!  in the meantime, here's a little reading for you:

1. regarding a judge's order to remove hundreds of acres of GMO sugar beets that were illegally planted.  Federal Court Orders First-Ever Destruction of a GMO Crop, Center for Food Safety

2. an article about some organic practices (such as planting crops for integrated pest management), maybe something we can use next year in the garden:  Farmers Wage Organic Battle Against Pests & Weeds, NYTimes