Friday, August 13, 2010

Docs Prescribe VEGGIES!

here's a great (albeit it still small) program in Massachusetts wherein doctors are prescribing vegetables to their patients.  as part of the program, low-income families receive vouchers to their local farmers' markets where they can shop for farm-fresh produce for their families.  read more about it here!

Friday, August 6, 2010

citys growing produce!

I was listening to Colorado Public Radio the other day and heard an interview with a man who worked with the city of Colorado Springs (who are experiencing a budget crisis and are cutting programs, including decorative plantings) to plant the city parks and decorative spaces with veggies as a form of expanding community gardens in spaces the city can't care for.  Today i read this article in GRIST about other cities around the US that are planting gardens in these previously-decorative-only spaces, and anyone can zip by and harvest the veggies for free.  What a win-win!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

one way to use all of that kale!

Serves 8-10   
1 head of kale 
2 large lemons 
1 quart filtered water 
1 Tbs. olive oil  
2 carrots 
1 cup Veganaise 
2 tsp. fresh black pepper 
1 tsp. sugar 
1 tsp. kosher salt 
quarter of a red cabbage (garnish) 
1. Prepare the kale for its rub-down: take each leaf and remove the stem by either slicing a "V" shape and separating the two green sides from its spine, or simply pulling off the leafy green in chunks. Discard the stem. Throw the large kale leaves into a strainer. Rinse and let sit.  
2. Zest both your lemons into a large mixing bowl, making sure to get every last inch of yellow goodness. Save zest for the dressing. When complete, slice and juice lemons into a separate container. Fill a large bowl with water, and add only half the fresh lemon juice to the water.  
3. Submerge kale in lemon-water and let sit for 1-2 minutes. Take a small bunch at a time and massage the kale by scrunching as hard as you can, releasing and taking a new handful of kale. Repeat for several minutes. 
4. Remove kale and let dry in a colander, or spin dry. On a cutting board, slice each large chunk or leaf like you might chiffonade basil. If the leaves are not big enough to get long, coleslaw like slices don't fret. Place kale in a container with a lid to store overnight. Combine the rest of the lemon juice (should be close to 2 Tbs., if not juice another lemon) with a Tbs. of olive oil. Let sit in fridge overnight, but before you clean up make dressing for tomorrow. 
5. Combine Veganaise with black pepper, sugar, salt and lemon zest and whisk to make dressing. Add a half-teaspoon of lemon juice if needed to whisk, but no more. Save for service. 
6. After kale has sat all night, drain liquid and spin dry. Grate carrot and shred cabbage. Toss together with dressing and serve cold.  
pairing recommendations: 
Beverage: Craftsman Brewing's Heavenly Hefe 
Soundtrack: Talking Heads' "This Must be the Place"